CSIR - Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
The Innovation Engine of India
Research Interests
Neural stem cells self-renew to maintain their pool, yet differentiate into enormous functionally and morphologically distinct neurons and glia. Proper regulation of self-renewal and differentiation has profound consequences in development and homeostasis. Decreased neurogenesis could lead to defects in brain development resulting in neurodevelopmental disorders like microcephaly, epilepsy and autism. On the other hand, an increase in self-renewal could lead to malignancies such as cancer. We are interested in identifying the mechanisms and the molecular players underlying neural stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. To study these processes, we use Drosophila developing brain and human neuronal stem cells as model systems. We utilize state of the art genome editing tools and a diverse set of cell and molecular biology approaches.
Selected Publications
Cheramangalam RN, Anand T, Pandey P, Balasubramanian D, Varghese R, Singhal N, Nagarkar Jaiswal N#, Jaiswal M# (2023) Bendless is essential for PINK1-Park mediated Mitofusin degradation under mitochondrial stress caused by loss of LRPPRC. PLoS Genet 19(4): e1010493 (* Corresponding author). https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010493 Nagarkar-Jaiswal S.#, Manivannan SN, Zuo Z., Bellen HJ#. Flip-Flop, a facile, cell cycle-independent, conditional gene inactivation strategy differentially tagging wild-type and mutant cells eLife 6:e26420 . Skinner SO*, Xu H*, Nagarkar-Jaiswal S, Freire PR, Zwaka TP, Golding I. Single-cell analysis of transcription kinetics across the cell cycle. eLife 5:e12175
Nagarkar-Jaiswal S*, DeLuca S*, Lee PT, Lin WW, Pan H, Zuo Z, Lv Z, Spradling AC, Bellen HJ (2015). A genetic toolkit for tagging intronic MiMICs containing genes. eLife 4:e08469
Carrillo CA*,Ozkan E*, Menon KP*, Nagarkar-Jaiswal S, Jeon M, Bellen HJ, Garcia CK, Zinn K. Control of synaptic connectivity in Drosophila by a network of IgSF surface proteins. Cell 163:1770-1782 (*equal contribution)
Nagarkar-Jaiswal S, Lee PT, Campbell ME, Chen K, Anguiano-Zarate S, Cantu Gutierrez M, Busby T, Lin WW, He Y, Schulze KL, Booth BW, Evans-Holm M, Venken KJ, Levis RW, Spradling AC, Hoskins RA, Bellen HJ (2015) A library of MiMICs allows tagging of genes and reversible spatial and temporal knockdown of proteins in Drosophila. eLife 4:e05338
(# Co-corresponding authors)(*equal contribution)
Industrial Microbiology ; Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India ; 2003
Chromosome dynamics during cell divisions in Drosophila melanogaster ; University of Bayreuth, Germany ; 2010
Genetics ; Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA ; 2012-2017
Stem cells ; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA ; 2010-2012
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Project Assistant-II